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In a city that offers the “good life,” we face a terrible paradox. Poverty afflicts at least one-fifth of our families with young children at home. The reason is simple: too many adults lack the skills needed for living wage jobs and a path to lifelong career. Lincoln Literacy's Bridgeway to a Better Life initiative offers a comprehensive solution via a continuum of services. 

Our students secure their basic English language and literacy skills with a trusted and caring tutor, then continue on through adult skills classes or tutoring leading to and through an accredited program at a partner institution, and on to a living wage, career-ladder job.


"I signed up after reading a flyer offering GED Prep for a few nights a week at the Bennett Martin Public Library. I got the opportunity to work with instructors and a tutor who were very helpful with each lesson. Plus, I learned to use the computer and go on the Internet.  When in-person classes stopped due to COVID-19, Lincoln Literacy then offered online classes to participants who wanted to continue. Because of the convenience and support of the entire GED Prep team, I'm closer to reaching my goal of getting my GED."

Liza B., Lincoln Literacy Student

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A Newcomer's Guide to Lincoln and Nebraska

Learn more about your hometown of Lincoln and all about Nebraska! Here is an opportunity to talk and learn about local parks and recreation, education, healthcare, and the government.


We will also talk about the geography of Nebraska, public transportation, owning a car, and traveling to other cities. This is a fun and informative class!

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Basic Math Skills Class

This class will help improve your math skills and your English math vocabulary. We will review addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percentages, and decimals.

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Career Navigation

Staff and volunteers will work 1-1 with you and can help you search online for a job, complete online applications, and review necessary language skills. We can help with building your resume, practicing interviewing skills, and understanding the application process. We may also work with you to explore a type of job or industry you are interested in, including exploring additional educational opportunities necessary to advance your career.

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Commerical Driver's License (CDL) Career Navigation

Commercial Driver's Licenses (CDL) are specialized licenses required to operate large vehicles, including tractor trailers, school buses, delivery trucks, city buses, and more. Lincoln Literacy Career Navigators will discuss the different opportunities to enroll in a CDL program either through the American Job Center scholarship program, Southeast Community College, or through different employers. The Career Navigator will also share about the process for studying for and taking the CDL permit exam at the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). We will review different places to work with your CDL license, including those who will pay for your CDL classes.

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Computer Literacy Classes

In computer literacy classes, you will learn how to type, use a keyboard, and use a mouse/mouse pad. You will work on understanding how to use the internet, email, and social media. We will also explore Google Suite and Microsoft Office depending on student interest and skill level. We currently offer beginning and intermediate-level classes.

Driving in the USA

This class will cover key concepts and the English vocabulary necessary to take the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) permit test or the Nebraska driver's license knowledge test through an interactive and discussion-based format.

We will help students understand US driving culture and common law enforcement practices related to driving, explain procedures at local DMV offices, and how to access online DMV information.

Even if you already have your Nebraska driving license, this class will help you to understand the rules of the road.

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GED Prep Classes

These classes prepare students to earn a high school degree or a General Education Diploma (GED). You can take this class to prepare for the GED exam or to get ready for the GED class at SCC.

We welcome you to join our GED classes to advance your learning and knowledge of English (with or without a high school diploma).

We offer GED classes in each of the four subject areas: Reasoning through Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Math, Science and Social Studies.

More information about the GED can also be found at

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Nursing Assistant CNA Prep Class

This class is for those who want a job as a Nursing Assistant. We will help prepare you for the nursing assistant programs at one of the colleges in our area such as Bryan College of Health Sciences, Southeast Community College, or the course given by the Nebraska Healthcare Association. After completing the Nursing Assistant Prep class, you will have a basic understanding of the vocabulary and information necessary to become a nursing assistant in Nebraska. This class is completed 1-1 with individual tutoring and group study sessions. You will need to interview for this class to be admitted.


Professional Careers in the USA

For those who attained a profession in their home countries, we assist with preparing for a job related to that profession. 1-1 coaching could involve learning the English vocabulary of your chosen profession with a Lincoln Literacy tutor, finding out the educational requirements to enter into that field in the US, meeting with a mentor in your profession to help find a job — or a combination of all of those.

Reading and Writing Classes

Lincoln Literacy (LL) es un proveedor benéfico de servicios de lenguaje y alfabetización que ha ganado múltiples premios. Su misión es ayudar a personas de todas las culturas y fortalecer nuestra comunidad mediante la enseñanza del idioma inglés y habilidades de alfabetización. Establecida en 1972 por, LL se incorporó como una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3) en 1993, cuando un gran número de refugiados comenzó a ser reasentado en Lincoln. Desde entonces, LL ha crecido prodigiosamente, pero mantuvo su dependencia de voluntarios capacitados como instructores. Comenzando con unas pocas docenas de partidos de tutoría en el momento de la incorporación, ahora atiende a más de mil personas anualmente a través de una combinación de cientos de partidos de tutoría uno a uno y una amplia gama de clases que se llevan a cabo en lugares de toda la ciudad.

Con el apoyo de donantes nacionales como la Fundación Robert Wood Johnson y la Fundación Dollar General, así como de donantes locales como Woods Charitable Fund, Cooper Foundation y Lincoln Community Foundation, Lincoln Literacy ha construido una asociación educativa gratuita conocida como la Academia de Alfabetización y Lenguaje Inglés (ELLA para abreviar). Fundada en 2006, ELLA ha crecido para incluir escuelas, agencias étnicas, iglesias, centros comunitarios, negocios, proveedores de salud y bibliotecas, entre otros. Entre sus exalumnos se encuentran refugiados que han obtenido títulos universitarios, inmigrantes que han iniciado una carrera y estadounidenses anteriormente analfabetos que han iniciado negocios exitosos. Desde 2007, el programa de alfabetización familiar de LL también ha ayudado a cientos de niños inmigrantes y refugiados recién llegados en el camino hacia el éxito en la escuela enseñándoles el alfabeto, introduciéndoles en la lectura y cultivando el amor por los libros, que se llevan a casa al la carga del brazo. Estamos orgullosos de contar con el apoyo de United Way para este programa.

Desde mediados de la década de 2000, Lincoln Literacy ha ganado una sucesión de premios por su innovación, habilidad para asociarse y efectividad en la producción de resultados transformadores. Entre sus honores: el premio ProLiteracy Governors a la innovación, un premio a la asociación innovadora de la Nonprofit Association of the Midlands, un premio de Lincoln's Community Health Endowment por su asociación de alfabetización en salud, un premio de la YWCA de Lincoln por ayudar a las mujeres a lograr su potencial, y el premio al Ejecutivo sin fines de lucro del año 2011 al Director Ejecutivo de Alfabetización de Lincoln, Clayton Naff.

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Teaching Pathways

Teaching Pathways encompasses learning about many of the school jobs that can be a precursor to teaching. We also practice interviewing and learn about the steps to become certified to teach in Nebraska.

For more information about our Adults Skills classes, email Renee Cox at

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